El Cartoon #6

El Cartoon #6 El Cartoon Issue #6 features “Bright Colors,” a story based on the comics and characters of “Play Shop”–an educational comics series about Lali and her favorite stuffed animal, a talking frog named Ranito. Play Shop teaches children about visual arts. El Cartoon is a bilingual, monthly publication by Valcon Comics, proudly published…

El Cartoon #4

El Cartoon #4 El Cartoon Issue #4 features “Starry Skies,” a story based on the comics and characters of “Jamie’s Jungle”–an educational comic book series about jungle animals that teach children the importance of saving the environment. El Cartoon is a bilingual, monthly publication by Valcon Comics, proudly published in the U.S.-Mexico Border Town of…

Local Arts Markets

Local Arts Markets Although we do not have a brick-and-mortar store, Valcon Comics has participated in various Arts and Farmers Markets throughout El Paso. The markets provide an opportunity to feature our educational comics for sale. We have participated in the following markets WinterFest Market Downtown Arts & Farmers Market Socorro Independent School District Comic…

Sunday Comics at Savage Goods

Sunday Comics Coloring Event To celebrate the release of El Cartoon, Valcon Comics collaborated with Savage Goods to host a coloring event for kids. The event brought together community members as Valcon Comics provided free coloring sheets to kids, as well as the latest issue of El Cartoon.

El Paso Locomotive FC

El Paso Locomotive FC Throughout the soccer season, the El Paso Locomotive featured a local artist on each different game day poster. The Valcon Comics poster was featured on October 15 for the El Paso Locomotive vs. Portland Timbers 2. Our poster incorporated a cartoon of alligators from San Jacinto Plaza playing soccer with a…

STEAMx by STTE Foundation

STEAMx Keynote Address Valeria Contreras, Founder of Valcon Comics, presented the keynote address to an audience of over 250 middle/high school students and family members for the STEAMx Awards Ceremony at the El Paso Community College. The event was hosted by the STTE Foundation, a local organization that aims to discover, develop and deploy entrepreneurship…

El Paso Children’s Hospital

El Paso Children’s Hospital Wash Your Hands: An Educational Comic Valcon Comics collaborated with the El Paso Children’s Hospital to create an educational comic for kids about the importance of hand washing. The project aimed to empower children to “Be the Sheriff” of their town when it comes to hand hygiene and incorporated a West…

Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimer’s Association Love Your Brain: An Educational Comic Valcon Comics partnered with the West Texas Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association to create an educational comic for kids that integrated their informational guide titled, “10 Ways To Love Your Brain.” Through this collaboration, we created a comic poster that was accessible to children and used for…

El Cartoon #3

El Cartoon #3 Gracias, Amigo is a story based on the comics and characters of Play Shop, an educational comic book series that teaches children about the value of the arts. Play Shop tells the story of a little girl named Lali, and her stuffed animal, Ranito–a little frog. Lali and Ranito go on various…